Term & Condition

In the Uttarakhand chess blog we have try to focus on the below things
Intellectual property: Clearly state that all content on the blog, including text, images, and videos, are the property of the blog owner and are protected by copyright laws. Users are not allowed to use, reproduce, or distribute any content without the owner's permission.
User-generated content: If you allow users to post comments, reviews, or other content on the blog, make it clear that the blog owner is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or legality of such content. You may also reserve the right to remove or edit user-generated content that violates the blog's policies or the law.
Privacy: Explain how you collect, use, and store user information, such as names and email addresses, and how you protect their privacy. Comply with applicable data protection laws, such as GDPR and CCPA.
Prohibited activities: List activities that are not allowed on the blog, such as spamming, hacking, or posting offensive or illegal content. Reserve the right to ban users who engage in such activities.
Disclaimer: Include a disclaimer that the blog owner is not responsible for any damages or losses arising from the use of the blog or its content. This may include technical issues, errors, or omissions, as well as any third-party websites linked to the blog.
Governing law: Specify the governing law that applies to the blog's terms and conditions, as well as any disputes that may arise between the blog owner and users.


  1. Sir, Please give us some info about the upcoming chess tournaments in Uttrakhand.

    1. Sorry for the inconvenience please send your query to the contact us page

  2. Any chess coaching /playing session happening around Dehradun in coming days?

    1. Sorry for the inconvenience please send your query to the contact us page


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